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tv   The Story With Martha Mac Callum  FOX News  August 28, 2018 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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south africa on behalf of the u.k. others are using the hashtag may bot and some others are asking if the dancing prime minister is now dancing queen . fair, balanced and unafraid of, "the story" hosted by martha starts right now. >> martha: good to see you tonight. now this fox news alert, we have the first polls officially closing on a big primary night tonight. it tells a whole lot about where voters stand on the trump agenda right now as we head into the midterm season. we look at you the first of those numbers. florida will be first as they come in tonight, but first, the debate over supreme court justice nominee brett kavanaugh is really starting to heat up and what to is expected to be a brutal confirmation hearing which is now just days away. now you have all ten democrats on the senate judiciary
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committee, making an official request. they live wrote a letter to chuck grassley and said we really need to postpone these hearings. delaware senator chris is one of those senators and he believes that the president made an indictment for criminal wrongdoing. and if that's the case he does not want kavanaugh on the court according to the letter that he signed and others did's as well. live tonight in a primary state of florida as those results come in. so edit, where does the stand for brett kavanaugh right now? >> good to see you, martha. democrats continue to throw some of these roadblocks for judge brett kavanaugh but bottom line is barring some major development, president trump is inching closer to getting votes in the senate to get his second nominee to the supreme court confirmed. top advisor to the president told me the big reason he chose kavanaugh, and he graduated
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cum laude before going on to law school. a strict originalist while serving on the d.c. court of appeals ohmic appeals were high court justice ranging from justice scalia to justice ginsburg all got their seasoning before going to the high court. they sat on paper, kavanaugh might be the most qualified supreme court nominee in the decades. in fact today a letter was signed saying judge kavanaugh has earned an reputation for carefully crafted opinions. he has received a widespread bipartisan praise. the democrats best hope was to peel off moderate republicans by trying to claim he would not -- roe v. wade was critical in law. the same with the neil gorsuch nomination. so they been pushing more
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roadblocks like demanding documents, watch. >> the majority of the senate has still not seen the bulk of his record. >> 100% of the documents that are relevant, at 100% of them are before us, and they are open to any senator to look at. >> judiciary chair grassley just announced another major breakthrough. the panel is releasing 85,000 more pages of documents from his time as a young white house lawyer. that means they have now turned over 287,000 pages. democrats want more and, cavanaugh is a fierce advocate for executive power. democrats are making the case for special counsel robert mueller if he tries to subpoena testimony from the president, that could go to the
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supreme court and kavanaugh would have left problem there. he's likely to be confirmed. >> martha: very interesting, thank you so much. joining me now is one of the senators as we mentioned to signed the letter and wants her confirmation hearings to be probe postponed. chris, who sits on that senate judiciary committee. it will be in the spotlight as they get underway next week for the hearing. good to see you. now, you have 85,000 more documents that have been released. i'm always blown away by the number of documents that exist out there for all of this but the number i saw was 430,000. does that ever alleviate your concerns at all that you will get to see those? >> i do think it's a positive step forward by chairman grassley. trump nominee is released another tranche of documents, but from our perspective, there
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is still a significant body of work. that way we have very little insight into at all. we say we have only seen six or 7% of the total documents of his work in the executive branch, whereas the chairman is saying, here's the total number of pages. are we taking the time to do our advise and consent role right? one of the concerns that many of us have that i in particular have about judge kavanaugh, his argument over the recent years in the number of opinions on the d.c. student, the president should be able to -- >> you will get an opportunity to question him. about those things. there will be time to ask him
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those questions, but he may also be called upon to decide whether this president should face possible investigation or an indictment for criminal wrongdoing. do you think you are getting ahead of yourself there? >> when he worked for judge starr, judge kavanaugh had one perspective. on the use of indictments, on the use of subpoenas, there is reason to be concerned that he is changed to a most dumb like a much. i don't say in this letter, i haven't said that i think indictments are imminent, but, president trump's longtime lawyer pled guilty and the former campaign manager was found guilty and raise some legitimate concerns about what will happen in the days and weeks ahead. and the ways in which president trump has continued
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and now attorney general sessions i think make this a legitimate subject of debate during the confirmation hearing for judge kavanaugh. >> let me ask you how this concerns you. the reports that an fbi personnel, basically admitted in hearing that the fbi personnel would use reports based on information that they leave in order to justify applications. he basically said they would like that information to the press and use the resulting articles that came out in a circular way to then use those for the application process. he worked very closely with peter strzok and lisa page. it does not trouble you? >> first let me tell you i'm unfamiliar with the details of what may have been testified today to in the house. we in the senate have dedicated most of today to commemorating our colleague and friend, senator john mccain.
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but what i was able to review briefly before i came up for this interview doesn't quite make the connections you are setting there. there may be a disturbing practice by the fbi of occasionally leaking to their benefit, but in connection to -- i do think we need to hold the fbi. what we have which is extremely tenuous incorporated concerns with the president, i just want to know whether or not you are concerned about the origins of the investigation and whether or not the fbi or doj, i -- are you concerned about that, would you like to see an investigation on that side of the equation as well? >> i want them to stop alleging
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that the robert mueller investigation is a rigged witch hunt. of course, i think that we should be conducting appropriate oversight of the fbi and department of justice but i think the threat to our role of law and system of justice by a president interfering with and attempting to interfere with -- >> martha: so you don't know if the fbi or doj is trying to undermine a presidency. that doesn't have equal weight for you? >> i think we should conduct appropriate fbi oversight, that's why we have an inspector general who has been conducting oversight of some of these more outlandish allegations. to me it's the most important issue, and this is a bipartisan bipartisan's issue here in the senate. when the president on a daily basis goes after it publicly,
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that concerns me and threatens to try to either fire or drive from the office. that has raised bipartisan's concerns here in the senate. >> thank you senator . we appreciate your thoughts about senator mccain as well. charlie hurt's joins me now and fox news contributor, first of all your thoughts on kavanaugh and how this is shaping up. they are concerned about his attitude towards potential criminal wrongdoing by the president. >> kudos to them for coming up with the various way to stall the nomination but, honestly i share their concerns about executive power and things like that. but where were those concerns from democrats for the eight years that president obama was in office. cavanaugh is weighing in on what
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democrats threatening to have an impeachment process, and it's absurd because the only person from the supreme court that would be involved in it would be chief justice roberts presiding over the senate. it would be the jury or the court room where an impeachment would take place. but, i find that to be something of a red herring. >> i think he is referring to the suggestion either that an indictment would not be constitutional for the executive powers extend to conversations that they had it, because i have the same question. but perhaps in some of those other tangential scenes. bruce ohr is being questioned about what he may have or not have had to do. as a side note to that, when i brought up with this other agent who was now sort of in the mix
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as well, he admitted during a hearing to some of the members of the committee, sometimes we put stories out there in order to create -- put the circular thing in motion, that allows those stories to be used as evidence that we need a pfizer warrant. >> and what we don't know right now for certain anyway is whether that is what happened in this part -- specific case in terms of getting the spies a warrants to spy on the trump tower. but what we do know pretty much with certainty is long after christopher steele was determined to be untrustworthy by the fbi because he was hopelessly partisan and his information was suspect to say the least, he continued to have contact with bruce ohr. bruce ohr continued to help take that information from christopher steele and use it within the ranks of the fbi.
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the question was, how high did that go? because that raises real questions about the bias and the determination to go after president trump even in the months after president trump had not only been elected but also inaugurated. and was sitting in office. >> martha: understood. that was -- we all remember this moment from james comey where he discussed a story that he decided he needed to get out there. watch this. >> i asked a friend of mine to show the content with the reporter. i didn't do it myself for a variety of reasons but i asked him to because i thought that might've prompted the appointment of a special counsel. >> he did that because he thought that it might prompt a special counsel. it's not that much of a stretch
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to imagine according to this other testimony, and that suggests that it's part of the process. >> all of this has been a slow walk out. it's taken us two years to learn about all of these little details. so we've become inured to a lot of it. but if you step back and look at the whole of it, it's true least shocking. we had the previous administration is the most powerful spying apparatus in the country to spy on polical opponents in the middle of a presidential campaign. when you start to add together, all the things that we were beginning to put together such as the steel dossier which was peddled by the kremlin, and you had these people inside the fbi that were clearly biased and clearly determined to stop the president. everything that played out since
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then, including the special prosecutor bob mueller, if we just learned all about this in one day, i think everybody would have been horrified. we were like frogs boiling and water on the stove. we gotten used to it but, this is stunning stuff. why democrats are not as shocked and terrified by a justice department that is this out of control, it's very alarming to me. >> just to put it all out there, the fpi says moffat testified that, in terms of his testimony, he never said that we directly utilize fbi leaks for fisa. i suppose that leaves a little bit of room around that but that's something i want to share because that's what the fbi officials are saying. all right, charlie, thank you. always good to see you. so we are getting some results here.
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so what do we have here? is the vote in? less than 1%, that's the number i was looking for. this is less than 1% and as you can see, it really tells us basically nothing at this point. we are waiting for more numbers to come in and as they do, we will bring those to you. the man behind the most exclusive headlines about trump's collusion with russia now admits that what he said was a mistake. so we will clarify that for you when we come back. >> i think the reporting of the story got mixed up, in the course of a criminal investigation, we were not the source of the story. with liberty mutual new car replacement we'll replace the full value of your car. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty ♪
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applied for a loan. started a business. started a blog. shared a picture. shared a moment. turn your wish list into a checklist. learn more. do more. share more. at home, with internet essentials. >> martha: this is the last big primary night before the midterms, and this is 1% in the florida senate g.o.p. primary. rick scott appears to be way ahead of rocky they left one take, and once again this is a very small amount of the vote in at this point but we will keep you posted as we move forward and see how that goes tonight, very interesting. in the meantime, is lanny davis
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peddling fake news? the longtime clinton confidant as you know now represents michael cohen, former lawyer to president trump who has admitted to numerous counts against him. davis is now saying, oops, i made a mistake. we now know by his own admission he was claiming that matt president trump knew in advance about the june 2016 meeting about russian operatives. it was clear last week that davis was starting to backpedal. >> he knew about the meaning or he didn't know about the meetin meeting. >> while the reporting of the story got mixed up in the course of a criminal investigation. we were not the source of the story and in the course of the criminal investigation. >> martha: reporters at buzzfeed news got to the bottom of it revealing that one of the
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sources of knowledge was none other than lanny davis. it's a very confusing. let's bring in howie kurtz, what an apropos title for what we are discussing now. good to have you here. so lanny davis sounded like he was suggesting that his client had information that the president was aware that that meeting was going to take place. we know all the people around that meeting that the president was not aware of the meeting and he didn't hear about it until after. anyone who is following that story knows that that nuance is not small. it's a big deal. so why did lanny davis put that idea out there, that he had that kind of information? >> it's more complicated than that. cnn has a big problem here defending the report of a
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bombshell accusation and michael: is prepared to accuse president trump of lying about that meeting. i talked to lanny davis and he said he made a mistake which he regrets. he said he told the cnn reporters that he could not confirm that allegation but said they might want to keep digging into it which they may have interpreted as a green light. i should not be talking to reporters on background but, something i'm not certain about, the combination of big stakes and a big mistake is a bad moment for me. if i had a redo in life, i wouldn't have said anything about the subject. >> martha: so what he's admitting to is kind of's stoking the fire. so, -- >> not waiving the network off as vociferously as he might have. now look. cnn has said nothing about this, beyond what we stand by her story. then he kept changing his story.
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it's possible cnn has other sources but those sources would have to be part of that. one other point on this, if this was happening at the white house where major accusations were made, all the news organizations would be hammering the president and top officials to be transparent and give a fuller explanation. >> and many news organizations jumped all over the story because if you think about it, this is the thread that could possibly connect to some sort of collusion. if the president had said he didn't know about the meeting and it turned out he did know about the meeting, and that they were promising dirt on hillary clinton, it's a huge story. but they all reported it and suddenly they weren't anymore. one quick thought on what the president said today because i got the folks at google and facebook and twitter pretty riled up. they basically said that things were going to change for them
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and, it came back 96% negative. is he right about that? >> first of all the president doesn't do any googling. because he doesn't know how to use a computer. a woman in a conservative log said she did some tests were trump news and it came up 96% what she calls left-wing media. i did my own test today, and i came up with the cnn story, a "washington post" story and, and those tend to be donna to the major news organizations. president top trump told fox that he considers most of the media to be fake news so that would certainly result in many negative hits would rule would not make the president very happy. >> martha: but the president is adding fuel to the fire here, but there's a lot of concerns about privacy and bias in all of these social media venues. >> even more so on facebook and
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twitter, and suggesting that it's illegal, we will look into it. that's kind of chilling for people that think the government shouldn't be sticking its nose into regulating these private companies but at the same time they have a problem, i would say facebook and twitter even more than google's incidences against the conservatives hiding result or shadow banning them. >> martha: 30 minutes until the last polls close in florida. we have 1% in in the governor's race. as you can see, 58.84 ron desantis, and 34.5 right now for adam putnam, the florida agricultural commissioner. this is a very tight rates, for a while it was lopsided in the beginning. putnam was all the way up, then it has tightened. we have results from aspen, colorado, tonight when we come
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the democratic senator in the florida film nelson is up against governor rick scott who is widely expected to win their primaries tonight and then there is the republican primary for governor, which as i said pits ron desantis against adam putnam. so those are the latest numbers coming in right now. we want to get carl's thoughts on this. let's start with florida and the governor's race. we did a pretty heated debate on there with these two and they've been kind of flip-flopping across the polls for the last couple months. >> look, tonight, ron desantis is off to a strong lead to. only 4% of the vote in but remember in florida, the first thing they count is the absentee and early vote which tends to be a very large share of the total vote. this is as you see it nearly half a million people have been counted and only 4% of the precincts have been in. that may mean a 50 or 60 or 70%
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in any given county. off to a strong leader. if he went the primary company it will be because he was endorsed by donald trump, president trump. he's in his third term in congress, and he represents about 3% of the state's population. putnam has been elected twice statewide estate agricultural commissioner and his opponent is proving tonight to be decisive. >> we will keep a close watch on it. quick look at arizona, and joe arpaio, who the president pardoned, martha mcsally who has been ahead in the polling, and kelli ward are trying to win that g.o.p. primary. what do you think of that? >> full disclosure, it's a three
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way race and joe arpaio was the sheriff of the largest county in the state, maricopa and the home of phoenix, for over a quarter-century. kelly ward had 4% of the vote in a primary challenge of john mccain in 2014. martha mcsally comes from tucson, and, and a very effective, and that's all going to be -- it's going to be one of the premier senate races as wel well. >> martha: that sound like a texas phrase. let's talk about overwork and a ted cruz. is the latest ted cruz ad which has been part of a controversy coming on. >> i want to know how you personally felt about how disrespectful it is, you have
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the nfl players kneeling here in the national anthem. >> and any time, any place. >> liberal hollywood was thrilled but do texans agree? >> there is a lot more in that, and he got a lot of acclaim for it. how is this going to wash? >> this is a one minute 72nd ad so we are not going to see it on tv unless it's condensed down to 30 seconds. it shows an ideological divide. it's one thing to say, people have a right to do that, people have respect to feel they ought to do that. it's easy to say i can think of nothing more american than disrespecting our flag and national anthem. texans are not going to go for that in november in my opinion.
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>> martha: we have to go but there's lots more to talk about this. great to see you tonight with or without your whiteboard. thanks, carl. she was once at the top of the democratic party leadership. but now, she says black women are being suppressed by her party. she will explain her part of the story, next. this is your wake-up call. if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis,
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very much for coming into talk about this. very strong words from you, and a strong criticism of your own party saying they don't walk the walk when it comes to african-american women. >> right? probably surprising to some but not surprising to the women i was receiving phone calls from. black women around the country who are running for office, they are running for city council and running for mayor, and they have had no luck incorporated by getting in touch with their local party leaders. many of them have had no luck getting in touch with party committees. so after a certain point i decided this is not acceptable for the group that is largely responsible for democratic winds around the country, and the party asked to step up, or, i think black women -- consequences, they have the
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opportunity to balance. >> does i had to have been hard for you. you've been on our programs were so many years speaking so favorably about your party. now you have your party and the principles of the party and then you have the dnc but it's pretty tough to get around that body. they are extremely powerful and as you said they designate where the money goes and where the support goes. so where'd you you go from here? >> i am certainly a proud democrat, i understand the democratic party is the party thus protecting health care. the party that is really going to make sure that we are giving prosperity to the workers that are adding to our booming economy. but martha, here's the thing. we have to get to the point where the recognition from the democratic party around black women's leadership is seen as much as it is talked about. and i can't think of any better time when we have the most important election in our
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lifetime, just a few weeks away, for black women to say, you know what, we will hold you accountable. >> martha: while the president, you've heard him many times say, why not give it a shot, what have you got to lose i think was the raise. never shall black unemployment has never been stronger. is there a possibility that some of the principles that you have identified with your party aren't necessarily answering the needs of your group or any grou group? >> i think certainly black women in understand how important their votes are on the issues that are uniquely facing them when it comes to health care. that is something that they are going to vote in large numbers around. now the things that the democratic party cannot afford our if black women decide they are just not as enthusiastic. what would make you not as enthusiastic? if the leaders who have stepped up who looked like you say they
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can't get a call returned back or they can't get any resources, they can't get support. i'm not saying the party has not done anything, but they need to do a lot more. >> martha: we need to continue this conversation. thank you very much and thanks for coming tonight. the next topic, gun blueprints are still available online despite a federal court order against it. ♪ liberty mutual won't raise their rates because of their first accident. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty ♪
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>> martha: the designer of this controversial 3d guns that says a federal court order will not stop him from selling the blueprints online to anybody who is willing to pay for them. casey stegall has the story tonight from texas. >> martha, good evening. the guy down in austin, texas, at the center of this controversy held his own conference this afternoon where he essentially said this court order is not going to stop him from getting the blueprints into the hands of those who really need them. he says that the judge's injunction prevents him from posting them online for download, so instead i come he says he is just going to sell and release them through other channels, like a thumb via email, downloadable links. because his argument all along has been the information he's
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providing is already out there. either on other websites or in published materials, like periodicals and books. >> i don't find it to be a meaningful difference between going to my website and clicking a button and getting the file by email versus going to my website, clicking a button and getting the file delivered to your browser. >> he went on to say that within the first 30 minutes of the press conference he had received more than 300 orders. of course we have no way of independently verifying that but the concept has clearly raised an awful lot of eyebrows, not just from gun opponents but also multiple organizations that advocate for the second amendment. at those who support those rights, but say that this here is a public safety issue and they are urging congress to step in and act fast. >> we don't think this is a partisan issue, this is a public safety issue and it needs to be addressed, now, before the
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technology advances to the point where, printing a 3d gun gets much easier. >> since news of this broke this afternoon, we tried calling many of the attorney general's office is involved in this initial complaint. there are 19 of them including the district of columbia. the pennsylvania attorney general telling fox news that they are now exploring further options to prevent the sales, distribution, anything, to make sure that these blueprints don't get out into the wrong hands. martha? >> martha: thanks. the roaring economy, the most underreported story perhaps of the trump presidency. we will talk to some people who are business owners and what they are experiencing, whether it be with the trade issue or consumer confidence. we will get their take, coming up next. they are story. they are story
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energy lives here. you wouldn't accept an incomplete job from any one else. why accept it from your allergy pills? flonase sensimist relieves your worst symptoms, including nasal congestion, which most pills don't. it helps block six key inflammatory substances. most pills block one. flonase sensimist. now i know you're thinking, "i don't want to hear about insurance." cause let's be honest, nobody likes dealing with insurance, right? which is why esurance hired me, dennis quaid, as their spokesperson because apparently, i'm highly likable. i like dennis quaid. awww. and they want me to let you know that, cue overdramatic music, they're on a mission to make insurance painless. excuse me, you dropped this. they know it's confusing. i literally have no idea what i'm getting, dennis quaid. that's why they're making it simple, man in cafe. and they know it's expensive. yeah. so they're making it affordable.
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thank you. you're welcome. that's a prop apple. now, you might not believe any of this since this is a television commercial, but that's why they're being so transparent. anyways. this is the end of the commercial where i walk off into a very dramatic sunset to reveal the new esurance tagline so that you'll remember it. esurance. it's surprisingly painless.
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let your perfect drive come together during the final days of the lincoln summer invitation event get 0% apr on select 2018 lincoln models plus one thousand dollars bonus cash. with our largest variety of crab all year! like new crabfest combo. your one chance to have new jumbo snow crab with tender dungeness crab. or try crab lover's dream. but hurry in. 'cause crabfest ends september 2nd. >> martha: one thing is for sure right now, the trump
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economy is rolling full and steam ahead. the nasdaq and the s&p 500 both setting record highs on wall street. the new measure is a good news for small business owners. the consumer confidence index just hit its highest number since october of 2,000, it's an 18 year high. we got together a panel of small business owners from different industries to see what they are feeling in terms of the effects of the consumer boom. thank you very much all of you for making some time for us. frank, let me start with you. your business, you are at the salina well spot here. how do you see it? >> i see a lot of people with a lot of confidence. i see people coming and more frequently but more interestingly, i've been watching people, to be honest with you, spend more on larger ticket items. your extension's, that great color and those highlights. the volley is, the bigger ticket
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items. i've seen people coming in and saying, can i spend that money? instead they are saying, i feel good about spending that money. >> martha: let me go to you. your business is, and how do you see it? >> our business is a fitness, small boutique studio. our sales in particular have quadrupled this year but i would equate that more to people wanting to purchase value. value for themselves, a value for their community and supporting the local businesses. so that's where i see that. >> martha: they may have more money in their pocket, new york is complicated in terms of the tax cut as you know. but what's the impact that you see? you have the tax cut impact, you have regulations that are much lower now. if you are in a health care company. do you see the regulatory changes as impacting you at all? >> being in the health care
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business, you have the forefront of feeling the tech impact. it's such a powerful impact for everybody, it's been so stimulating for the economy. essentially the people now want to spend on prevention, want to have those services like hair rejuvenation or skin rejuvenation for the extensions, like you mentioned were doing their dna sequencing, understanding how not to get sick and how to prevent that. >> so people are spending money on themselves. and they are feelings of freedom to do that kind of thing that they may not have wanted to do in the past. >> that's music to the whole economy, because essentially what that means is it's all going to be positive from there. americans will be spending money in the right places. that means an immense amount of numbers. to be me hear from dan, in the
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back. if you could talk to president trump, and what would you say to him. this would concern me. >> i guess just keeping the momentum of consumer confidence in making sure that we can keep that momentum. they will not open new restaurants and they won't expand. >> martha: what's your business? >> development and marketing. he feels good about the economy, and brands that are opening multiple restaurants right now. >> were you surprised by that, after president trump was elected? they said the market with tank and never recover. were you concerned or did you think it would actually be really good? >> i actually felt pretty good about it, i felt we were going
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in the right direction and had lot of good plans. surprised but short. >> martha: heather, talk to me about interior design. has your business picked up? >> actually my business is brand-new. i felt comfortably going out on my own, and i've gotten calls to do more and more design and more and more design so i went ahead and went for it big time. >> if you like the economy may have pulled you into starting a business? >> demand made as an opportunity for you that may be wasn't there before. >> i'm able to make a living now, and it felt like the right time to really go for it. >> one of the things that, when you talk to economists, they say they are concerned about this trade wars with china and that perhaps the economic growth that
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we've been clearly seen could dampen if that continues. if there are trade wars with the e.u. and the u.k. and china, clearly. did anyone feel like that could be a concern for their business? >> i think it's a positive thing for america. by an american product, and support your local economy to start with. i really believe the impact, whatever it will have will be positive eventually. and that was -- presidents of the other day in an interview he did with ainsley or ainsley eae said if i can impeach the economy will tank. agree or disagree? >> i disagree. that's kind of like trying to speak things into existence, that's not just the reality. the truth of the matter is, most americans understand that this
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president has truly inspected them in a positive way. even if you don't agree with his policies you have learned of that you are making some money. >> thank you very much you guys. we will say good night, tucker is up next in d.c. and we will see you back here tomorrow night at 7:00. thank you everyone. >> tucker: it is election night and many states and we already have a race to call in the state of florida. big show ahead about first chief national correspondent ed henry is live for us in miami. >> good to see you. fox news this projecting that congressman ron desantis is going to win the republican primary for governor. this is a big race, the trump factor front and center. we are projecting that it will be former congressman adam putnam, he's currently the state agriculture commissioner. back in june when fox news had a big


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